EU Funding Opportunities – SIFTA Training [In person]

  • Post category:NEWS / EVENTS

Date: 26th of September, 2024

Time: 14:00 – 17:00 (Dublin)

Location: Croke Park, Dublin

Registration and link here.

The workshop will feature 3 main elements

  • Identifying interesting opportunities and understanding EU level objectives
  • Building consortia and grant writing
  • Experiences from FEBEA members

14:00 – 14:05 – Arrival and registration

14:05 – 14:15 – Introduction to the workshop and agenda – Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl, European Center for Social Finance: Introduction of participants

14:15 – 15:00 –Working with EU funding – Astrid Mechel, EU Funding Expert –

15:00 – 15:15 – Open questions

15:15 – 15:35 – Identifying funding opportunities as a social finance organisation- Input for the workshop –Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl, European Center for Social Finance.

15:35 – 15:40 – Break

15:40 – 16:20 – Practitioners insights
  • Panos Tournavitis (Cooperative Bank of Karditsa)
  • Giacomo Pinaffo (Fondazione Messina)
16: 20 – 16:40 – Interactive Peer-to-Peer Discussion – All participants
16:40 – 16:50 – Wrap-Up – Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl

Identifying Interesting Opportunities and Understanding EU Level Objectives

The session will introduce a “search framework” to find interesting opportunities. There are key programs and initiatives relevant to social, ethical finance intermediaries that the EU supports and the best approach is to start by understanding the relevant policy objectives. For example, there are dedicated programs for making the green transition more inclusive, for supporting regional development or increasing the digital skills of adults. 

Building Consortia and Grant Writing: Experiences from FEBEA members

Building a successful consortium and mastering grant writing are a key aspect for securing EU funds. This part of the workshop will cover the strategies for assembling consortia, including finding partners and negotiating roles. Additionally, it will provide practical advice on crafting compelling grant applications, focusing on what makes a proposal stand out.

Each proposal showcases its unique strengths: some excel in innovation with fresh, experimental ideas, while others forge new partnerships across diverse fields, such as biodiversity and employment. There are also proposals that stand out for their exceptional execution and proven track records, ensuring high reliability in outcomes. It is a good approach to focus on the key strengths of a consortium.

Practitioners insights

Panos Tournavitis and Giacomo Pinaffo will share their experiences discussing both successes and challenges encountered during the application process and project implementation while Astrid Mechel will address the topic as an expert in EU funding and programmes. These insights will be invaluable for new applicants looking to understand the real-world dynamics of EU funding. 


Timo HülsdünkerGLS

He’s a Senior Referent for Strategy & Development and deputy lead at GLS Bank. Timo Hülsdünker is a distinguished expert in CO2 measurement, having played a pivotal role in the implementation of the measurement process within GLS Bank. His hands-on involvement in the development and execution of these processes has given him an unparalleled understanding of the subject. This practical experience, combined with his broader knowledge of sustainable finance, establishes him as a significant figure in the field of CO2 measurement within the banking sector

*Check FEBEA’s cancellation policy here.