FEBEA demands a smart implementation of EU sustainability reporting standards

FEBEA with other organizations have signed a collective demand.

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FEBEA has joined the collective demand urging the European Commission to ensure the effective and balanced implementation of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

The petition, liberated by Frank Bold and WWF EU and endorsed by more than 90 organizations, highlights the importance of maintaining the integrity and ambition of the ESRS in fostering sustainable economic practices. The statement emphasizes:

  • The critical role of the ESRS in aligning corporate practices with the EU’s sustainability goals.
  • The need for clear, actionable, and consistent sustainability reporting requirements to enhance transparency and accountability.
  • Ensuring that the implementation of the ESRS does not dilute its original purpose to promote meaningful and impactful reporting on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.


This initiative reflects FEBEA’s commitment to Ethical Finance and its core values of transparency, sustainability, and social responsibility. By joining this petition, we aim to amplify the collective call for a sustainable financial future in Europe.

Read the petition here.

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