
FEBEA's perspectives

Our points of view


7th Report of Ethical and Value-based finance in Europe

The 7th edition of this report is collaboration between Fondazione Finanza Etica, Fundación Finanzas Éticas and FEBEA.

7th Report of Ethical and Value-based finance in Europe

The 7th edition of this report is collaboration between Fondazione Finanza Etica, Fundación Finanzas Éticas and FEBEA.

Digital Loan Delivery - Research Paper

The paper examines the digitalization of loan delivery, focusing on efficiency, accessibility, and ethical challenges in transforming traditional lending.

Draghi’s Blind Spot: Making EU Prosperity Inclusive and Secure

Analysis of Mario Draghi’s report, The Future of European Competitiveness.

Key Financial Instruments for Supporting Business Initiatives in Reducing Food Waste and Losses

The document outlines alternative finance options like crowdfunding, crowdlending, crowdequity, and other innovative models, providing detailed access guides and examples for each.

EU Funding Opportunities

This research guides financial institutions and social economy organizations through the complexities of EU grants, social impact funding, and application strategies. Optimize your impact with expert advice on navigating funding frameworks for social and environmental projects across Europe.

Impact Measurement and Management for Ethical Finance Providers

This paper is based on three trainings that have been organized by FEBEA on the topic of impact measurement and management.

Europe needs to mobilise capital for Social Investments

This policy paper urges the European Commission to build upon existing international and EU standards to develop a robust Social Investment Framework.

Much more than a transition: the sustainability shortcomings of the Capital Markets Union

As the European Union grapples with challenges in its Single Market, calls for deeper capital markets integration have intensified. Enrico Letta’s report “Much More than a Market” has gained significant attention, serving as an unofficial blueprint for the proposed Capital Markets Union (CMU), which aims to enhance EU competitiveness and bridge the green funding gap.

Decoding the EU Election manifestos through the Ethical Finance lens

What do the parties running for the 2023 European Elections propose in terms of Ethical and Sustainable finance?

Financing Social Economy In Europe: the need for a stronger InvestEU program

This policy paper from the Social Economy Europe’s Social Finance Working Group explores the challenges faced by social finance providers—such as ethical finance institutions, microfinance bodies, and national development banks—in accessing the InvestEU fund.

Beyond the ‘green approach’ to tackle greenwashing

FEBEA and its members have contributed to the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESAs) call for evidence on potential greenwashing practices in the EU financial sector.

European Elections, a young perspective

This policy brief examines this tension, exploring its ramifications for the EU’s legitimacy and the urgent need for better representation and engagement of young people in shaping their futures.

Progress and Pitfalls: FEBEA's View on the EU's Sustainable Finance Framework

This policy paper provides a comprehensive overview of the European Union’s journey toward integrating sustainability into its financial systems since 2018

Youth participation in Social Economy

6th report of Ethical and value-based finance in Europe

Equity Capital in the Social & Solidarity Economy

The paper is based on a workshop on Equity Capital in the Social & Solidarity Economy that took place on June 27, 2023 with FEBEA members. We thank the participants for providing their valuable insights.

The role of Blockchain in Social Finance

This research paper was developed as part of a workshop that took place on April 28, 2023 on ‘New Developments on Social Finance’ organized by the European Center for Social Fiance and FEBEA with the support of the European Commission. FEBEA members participated in the discussion and shared their views on the topic.

The role of Artificial Intelligence in Social Finance

This research paper was developed as part of a workshop that took place on April 28, 2023 on ‘New Developments on Social Finance’ organized by the European Center for Social Fiance and FEBEA with the support of the European Comission. FEBEA members participated in the discussion and shared their views on the topic.

Mediterranean Sustainable Finance Observatory

FEBEA and its members have contributed to the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESAs) call for evidence on potential greenwashing practices in the EU financial sector.

Not my Taxonomy

Calling on the EU Parliament to vote for a truly sustainable taxonomy

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