Are you an ethical finance organisation?
All FEBEA members are financial institutions and organizations working in the field of ethical finance. FEBEA is open to organizations that share our commitment to promoting ethical and alternative finance.
Members’ benefits
As a member of FEBEA, you will have access to a range of resources and services designed to support your activities. You will also have the opportunity to connect with a network of like-minded individuals and organizations, both locally and across Europe.
Access to a network of social finance practitioners from more than 16 European countries.
Facilitated communication with EU Institutions dealing with financial instruments for social finance.
Participation in thematic working groups, exchange and knowledge transfer events and initiatives.
Contribute to shaping the European debate on sustainable and social finance.
Gain visibility and recognition at European and international level.
Free participation to Annual Conference and visibility events organised by the Federation across Europe.
News & Information
Get detailed and updated information on European policies and tools on sustainable finance.
Access to EU funding
Participation to European-funded projects with the support of the Federation.
Technical Assistance
Get technical support by the Federation staff and partners to develop your projects and initiatives.

How to…
Become a Full Member
- Verify the conditions and criteria for the membership
- Be a financial institution working with savings and/or capital funds, or a foundation having institutional links with a financial institution of comparable nature or mutual cooperative bank, or others or an enterprise providing similar financial or technical services;
- Have a balance sheet of at least one million euros;
- Have autonomy of decision vis-à-vis any organisation or external company;
- Have its registered offices in one of the Member States of the European Union or the European Free Trade Area, even if its activities are located in other countries;
- Provide FEBEA with transparent and complete information on its internal functioning, the collection of savings and the use of resources.
- Send all the documents required at the end of this page.
- Visit of members
- If the written application is positively evaluated by the Board of Directors, the candidate will receive the visit of two members representatives of FEBEA, who will present a visit report to the Board of Directors.
- Voting of the Board of Directors
- If the written application for membership and the visit report (points 2 and 3) show compatibility between the candidate’s structure and the spirit of FEBEA, the FEBEA Board of Directors will vote on the acceptance of the organization as new member. The admission of new members is then ratified by the Federation’s General Assembly.
Become a Partner
- Partners are:
- Organisations fulfilling the members’ conditions but having a balance sheet of less than one million of euros.
- Organisations having applied as members, and to which the FEBEA Board, during the Application phase, has provided a series of recommendations regarding their alignment with the Ethical Finance principles and practices.
- Partners participate to the General Assembly with voting rights, but cannot be elected in the Board of Directors.
- They can also participate in the initiatives, committees and working groups set up within FEBEA and make use of the FEBEA tools.
Become an Associate Member
Associate members cannot be elected to the Board of Directors and have no voting rights at the General Assembly, even if they have been invited to participate. They can participate in the working groups set up within the FEBEA and make use of the FEBEA tools.
How to Become an Associate Member
FEBEA can also have strategic relations with institutions and legal persons that are not effective members and propose to them to become associate members. This can be:
- Associations and cooperatives (not providing financial services) dedicated to the promotion of social economy and social finance at local level
- Research centres/entities working on social finance and entrepreneurship
- Foundations
- Any other organisation (not providing financial services) with strategic links to FEBEA members and/or FEBEA activities
Candidates willing to become a FEBEA’s member/associate/partner will have to:
Meet the requirements stated in the previous paragraphs
Adhere to and sign the FEBEA Charter
Pay the required fee
Send the required documents
- Filled Application form
- Filled questionnaire
- Statutes (if possible in English)
- Registration certificate
- Last Balance sheet available (if possible in English)
- Last Annual report (if possible in English)
- Motivation letter (free format)
- Send all the documents required at the end of this page.