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FEBEA has recently joined the European Project SOFIGREEN for a 24 month contract. What is it about?The main objective of SOFIGREEN is to support the greening of processes and activities of…

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Erasmus+: SE4CES

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SE 4Ces builds on 4 forces: Connected societies, knowledge Co-creation, Community development, Collaborative educational practices. It aims to mobilise those under the Social Economy (SE) framework. Starting with the state-of-the-art…

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The overall objective of FoodRUs is to enhance the resilience and sustainability of local and regional European food systems by deploying and demonstrating the value of 12 innovative solutions and…

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AURORAL contributes to increase economic growth and create jobs in rural areas and to tackle significant societal challenges, contributes to overcoming digital divide between rural and urban areas and to…

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FICOOP-Crowd equity platform is called to be the first crowdfunding platform (Plataforma de Financiación Participativa – PfP, according to Spanish Law) dedicated to crowd equity and crowd lending for Social…

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