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Support FEBEA in the design its strategic plan 2026 - 2029

FEBEA is looking for a consultant to support the Federation in the collection of inputs from members, external partners and strategic actors and, based on those inputs, in the identification of the priorities for its new Strategic Plan.

Start date:

January 2, 2025

Finish date:

September 30, 2025
Brussels / Remote

Deadline for application:

December 6, 2024
Project based contract

The strategic process: Terms of Reference (ToR)

FEBEA’s current strategic process – Kairos – will end in 2025. Therefore, FEBEA needs to start the process to define new strategic priorities for the period 2026 – 2029. Given FEBEA’s nature – a participatory association, based on membership – such priorities should reflect its members’ needs and expectations. Moreover, the new strategic plan should reflect the internal changes in the organisation (i.e. growth in membership and capacity), and the changes in the external context in which it operates. FEBEA is looking for a consultant to support the Federation in the collection of inputs from members, external partners and strategic actors and, based on those inputs, in the identification of the priorities for its new Strategic Plan.

FEBEA is looking for a consultant to support the Federation in the collection of inputs from members, external partners and strategic actors and, based on those inputs, in the identification of the priorities for its new Strategic Plan.

Objectives and Questions

The specific terms of reference for the consultancy are:

1. Take stock of the analysis of the results achieved with regard to the previous strategic plan and related changes in the internal context of FEBEA (linked in particular to increased capacity). This task will consist in reviewing the available documents; carrying out interviews with members of the team and the Board.

2. Provide insights on changes in the external context: threats and opportunities. This task refers to EU policy but also broader societal issues that impact, directly or indirectly, the work of social finance actors. This task will consist in analysing relevant data and documents and possibly carrying out interviews with strategic actors.

3. Identify members’ needs: possible changes / improvements / weaknesses of the Federation’s offer to be addressed. This task will consist in the setting-up and coordination of a participatory process – including Members, Board, Team – to collect inputs to feed the new Strategic Plan. Such process can include for example surveys, plenary meetings, interviews, etc.

4. Based on the results of points 1), 2), 3) support FEBEA to identify the strategic priorities for the 2026 – 2029 period. The drafting of a detailed implementation plan to achieve such priorities is not part of the assignment, and will be done in a later stage by FEBEA.

Methodology and Timeline

The consultant is expected to:

  1. Coordinate with the FEBEA Team;
  2. Collect inputs from the FEBEA Board, Members, Staff and external partners. This could be done via a mix of tools (surveys, online interviews) and in-presence meetings (workshop, general assemblies, focus groups…);
  3. Consult relevant documents (internal and external);
  4. Present interim and final results to Team, Board and members.

The collection of members’ needs and expectations towards FEBEA should be considered the main priority of this process.

Expected output

The deliverables will be submitted to FEBEA in English, and will include:

  1. Interim reports to be presented to the Board and more specifically to the General Assembly (online in June).
  2. A final report clearly detailing the strategic priorities identified for the 2026 – 2029 period, to be presented to the General Assembly (in person in September in Switzerland.

The reports should be clear and concise, and clearly highlight the main points / recommendations / results of the work done so far.

Application and Selection process

Interested parties are required to submit their application by e-mail 6th December 2024 including at least the following items:

1. Outline of work-plan for the consultancy (maximum 4 pages);
2. The curriculum vitae of the consultant(s) who will undertake the work;
3. Examples of previous work (can be references or web-links – maximum 4 pages);
4. Proposed breakdown of the budget.

For any clarification about this call please refer to:


A final decision will be announced before 18th December 2024. FEBEA has the right to request further information if deemed necessary. An interview with the candidate is optional.

The selection of the offers will be based on the following criteria:

• Tender documents sent on time
• Documents in line with TOR
• Amount offered within limit
• Work to be executed within set timetable
• Reporting format proposed according to TOR
• Experience with similar assignments according to TOR
• Knowledge of the social finance sector in Europe
• Knowledge of non profit networks
• Quality of proposed methodology
• Command of English


Created in 2001, FEBEA, the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers is a not-for-profit association based in Brussels and governed by Belgian law. Open to member countries of the European Union as well as other non-EU countries in Europe, it gathers financial institutions whose aim is to finance the social and solidarity- based economy. FEBEA was created by 6 financial institutions and nowadays federates 34 members (banks and other types of financial institutions, associations and organisations dedicated to promotion and development of social finance) based across 16 European countries (14 countries of the European Union, Norway and Switzerland), serving more than 700,000 people between customers and shareholders, with aggregated balance sheet assets of over 30 billion €. FEBEA members are part of (and in many cases were funded by) citizens-led transformative movements and can mobilise different resources and different tools to achieve their societal and environmental goals. FEBEA engages its members through a variety of activities such as:

• Facilitating exchange of information and best-practices among social economy organisations and networks and ethical financiers in Europe and the European Economic Area.
• Representing its members towards the EU institutions, other European networks and key financial stakeholders.
• Facilitating access to financial instruments and other forms of EU financing by supporting the efforts of our members in developing their finance offer for social economy organisations and social enterprises.
• Supporting and promoting cooperation between national networks, social economy and finance practitioners in Europe.
• Providing training, advice and technical assistance to its members
• Spread ethical and solidarity-based finance throughout Europe:

  1. FEBEA advocates on the economic, social and environmental contribution of ethical finance;
  2. FEBEA communicates on the role of ethical and solidarity-based finance in the development of the social economy sector;
  3. FEBEA communicates on the impact of solidarity-based finance communities. FEBEA activities are implemented by directly involving its members, who take part also in several working groups (such as Advocacy Group, EU Funding Group, FEBEA Communication community).

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