Building bridges with EUCLID at the Social Economy European Confernece 2024 – Liège

On 12 and 13 February, the city of Liège hosted the “European Social Economy Meeting: The social economy at the heart of transitions’ under the Belgian Presidency.

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Building bridges with EUCLID at the Social Economy European Confernece 2024 – Liège

Over two days, the conference brought together European ministers responsible for social economy issues in Liège under the Belgian Presidency, led by Christie Morreale. The event focused on the Social and Solidarity Economy, positioning it as the heartbeat of a Europe committed to social innovation, to building a democratic, sustainable and inclusive economy that meets both daily needs and the challenges of major transitions.

The conference yielded a comprehensive roadmap ‘The Liege Roadmap’ with 21 member states signing on, including 25 recommendations and commitments presented to the Council and the Commission. Some key highlights include:

Dedicated Commissioner and strategic focus: The call for a dedicated Commissioner, central inclusion in the next Commission’s work programme and strategic oversight of the Action Plan and Council Recommendation.

Equal access to funding: Advocating equal access to all European funding instruments and funds for social economy initiatives.

Adaptation of the state aid regime: General adaptation of the state aid regime by including a specific exemption for social economy actors.

In the context of the Liège conference outcomes, FEBEA’s advocacy aligns with the call for a dedicated commissioner, strategic focus in the commission’s work program, and equal access to funding for social economy initiatives.  Our efforts contribute to shaping a Europe that values and priorities social justice and value alongside economic considerations.

As Europe moves forward with these collective efforts and commitments, FEBEA stands as a proactive advocate for a social economy that drives positive change. The vision of a socially inclusive and sustainable EU will only become more achievable if we create a supportive environment for social and solidarity organisations to flourish and contribute to wider societal change.

Building bridges with EUCLID Network

We are excited to announce a significant collaboration with Euclid Network (EN) within the framework of the European Social Economy Conference, emphasizing the crucial role of the Social Economy in contemporary society. Through this occasion, we are pleased to formalize a three-year partnership agreement between EUCLID and FEBEA.

The primary aim of this collaboration is to collectively advance the development of the Social Economy throughout Europe.

In adhering to this partnership, our shared commitment is to advocate for equality among all individuals. Moreover, the agreement will be implemented with the utmost adherence to ethical standards, in accordance with relevant EU, international, and national regulations concerning ethical principles. Both parties pledge to uphold fundamental EU values, including the principles of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and human rights, including those of minorities.

As we embark on this collaborative journey, we anticipate a productive partnership that will elevate the Social Economy to unprecedented levels. Together, we recognize the strength in unity.

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