
Sector of the project:

Climate Change adaptation in mountain regions

Funding organization:

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The overall objective of MountResilience is to support mountainous European regions and communities in increasing their climate change adaptation (CCA) capacity and facilitate their transition to climate-resilient societies, in line with EU climate objectives.

Start date:

September 1, 2023

Finish date:

February 29, 2028

Project leader:

Università degli Studi di Milano

Febea contact:

Countries covered:

Italy, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Romania, Switzerland

What is it about?

The overall objective of MountResilience is to support mountainous European regions and communities in increasing their climate change adaptation (CCA) capacity and facilitate their transition to climate-resilient societies, in line with EU climate objectives. To do so, the partners to the project will collaborate in developing, testing and scaling up innovative CCA solutions in alpine and polar regional settings by pooling their diverse expertise and by allowing for the creation of synergies between initiatives and communities. Accordingly, a face-to-face communication and dissemination campaign will be deployed to raise awareness on the challenges faced by mountainous European regions in adapting to the adverse effects of climate change and to inform about the solutions being developed to help these communities overcome their difficulties.

The focus of MountResilience is mainly centred on the restoration of ecosystems and on the development of innovative solutions for climate-resilient agriculture. This would also lead to the creation of more lively public spaces and more adaptive neighbourhoods to allow communities to thrive and be prepared in case of natural disasters. For this reason, MountResilience aspires to utilise digital solutions for better prediction, monitoring and reporting on climate events. 

Last but not least, MountResilience also focuses on correctly managing water, the most important natural resources for the pilot regions. An important objective of this project is to share best practices and pool diverse expertise for better management of water scarcity and preparedness to droughts and floods, ultimately improving the climate resilience of their communities.

MountResilience involves the participation of 6 mountainous and polar regions across Europe: Lapland (Finland), Tirol (Austria), Piemonte (Italy), Râu Sadului (Romania), Gabrovo (Bulgaria) and Valais (Switzerland). Additionally, other 3 regions will be following the project: Catalonia (Spain), Friuli Venezia-Giulia (Italy) and the Subcarpathian region in Poland.

What is FEBEA’s role in this project

In WP1, FEBEA takes part in the formulation of climate resilient transformation strategies for project regions, including financial instruments. In addition, FEBEA contributes in WP2 to the inter-regional cross-pollination platform for regional demonstrators to achieve a structured learning process generating mutual benefits for all participation regions. Finally, FEBEA is also involved in WP5 supporting the scale-up process and contributing to leverage funding, formulating and testing/feedback provision of a set of innovative financial instruments for CCA. The Federation will also have a role in the areas of upscaling and exploitation for sustainability, identifying the gaps in business models and financial instruments to attract new investors.
Also, FEBEA collaborates in the field work with two of its members, Genossenschaft für Gemeinwohl (GfG) and Social Finance Association (SFA) in their respective regions, Austria and Romania, who will contribute to the development of innovative financing solutions for their communities’ climate resilience.

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