FEBEA calls for increased collaboration with the European Commission and the EIF

FEBEA calls for increased collaboration with the European Commission and the European Investment Fund (EIF) on the EaSI financial instruments for Social Economy and Microfinance.





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FEBEA calls for increased collaboration with the European Commission and the European Investment Fund (EIF) on the EaSI financial instruments for Social Economy and Microfinance.
FEBEA members are already putting their capital, systems, networks, experience, and personnel at work to support Social Economy organisations during the Covid crisis. This support can be boosted by the European commission by introducing flexibility into the existing guarantee agreements, by providing additional funding to ethical and social financial intermediaries at market rates, by supporting the reorganisation of their activities to better support social economy organisations.
FEBEA calls therefore for a greater flexibility and facilitated access to:
– EaSI Guarantee Instrument
– EaSI Funded Instrument
– EaSI Capacity Building Investment Window
Thanks to EaSI instruments, FEBEA members can provide flexibility and liquidity to many Social Economy organisations around Europe, allowing them to contribute to the social and economic recovery.
With the support of the European Commission we will be able to do much more, when it matters most.
Read the main points of the FEBEA Letter.

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