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AURORAL contributes to increase economic growth and create jobs in rural areas and to tackle significant societal challenges, contributes to overcoming digital divide between rural and urban areas and to develop the potential offered by increased connectivity and digitisation of rural areas. AURORAL digital environment is demonstrated by cost-efficient and flexible cross-domain applications through large- scale pilots in five European regions. AURORAL pilots follow an approach capable of meeting social and economic objectives critical to boost new rural services and business. It will also attract business attention through the development of innovative business models, adjusted to the new rural services, and of an investment platform, to promote and support investors and private stakeholders into new services. AURORAL digital environment supports a vibrant ecosystem of developers, service providers and user communities and addresses barriers currently opposing the socio-economic development of rural areas.

Programme H2020
Partners Regional Development Agency of Alentejo (coordinator) - 
 25 partners in total
Duration 48 months
Role FEBEA FEBEA will be involved in particular in WP8 (Investment) aimed at creating a committed partnership for the development of a sustainable finance eco-system in each pilot site to address the financing needs of rural innovation projects. FEBEA will coordinate the possible development of an investment platform to support sustainable projects in rural areas.
 FEBEA will also contribute to the definition of sustainable business models and to dissemination activities. FEBEA will involve as linked third parties its members GFG (Austria), Cresaçor and Fescoop (Portugal), which have expressed their interest during the application phase.
Project website https://www.auroral.eu/