You are currently viewing FEBEA PODCAST: FINANCE4GOOD!
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Welcome to this new podcast mini-series on sustainable and ethical finance called “Finance for Good” Brough to you by FEBEA in coordination with Social Economy Europe and its Podcast series “Social Economy Talks”.

In this mini-series we will help explain what ethical banks and financiers can do for us, and why they represent a safer, fairer and more responsible place that we can invest our money, where we can know exactly what our money will be used for. As we will learn, this is not the case for traditional of mainstream Banks!

We show you how you can get involved, the services that these ethical banks and financiers offer you as potential clients, and the importance of values. We discuss the risks and safety of investing your money in ethical banks and understand how they monitor the projects they invest in to ensure the environmental, social and cultural impact of their investments!

Episode 1 – Introducing Ethical Finance


Episode 2 – Ethical Finance and monitoring of sustainable projects



Episode 3 – Citizens participation & social impact assessment



Episode 4 – Tackling Green & Social Washing with Ethical Finance