FEBEA facilitates the exchange of information and good practices among its members. It is a place of convergence and cooperation between regional and national networks of social economy and ethical finance in Europe and in the European Economic Area.



Besides the financial tools, FEBEA has set up several thematic working groups to analyse matters of ethical and solidarity finance and provide tools for all members. The working groups provide contribution and documents on specific themes useful for the lobbying activity of the Federation with the European institutions. The working groups are created ad hoc, assembled and disbanded according to the needs and circumstances. They welcome members interested in the topic and, if necessary, external experts.

FEBEA has currently 3 active working groups, involving several members:

  • Advocacy Group
  • Sustainable Finance Group
  • EU Funding Group

The previous working groups have worked on:

  • Socially Responsible and Impact Investing
  • Capitalisation of ethical banks
  • Ethical Impact Bonds
  • Financing the South of the World and Fair Trade
  • Financing Healthcare Infrastructures and Social Services
  • Sustainable Development
  • Social Inclusion

In some cases, the results obtained by the working groups led to the creation and launch of dedicated financial instruments to meet the needs that emerged from discussions among members.



FEBEA collaborates with several partners to organise workshops and trainings on social finance tools, funding opportunities, impact assessment tools.