Social Economy Europe is the voice of 2.8 million social economy enterprises and organisations in Europe. SEE is the social economy reference point at European level. SEE is a strategic partner to European institutions and has led on EU policy on the social economy. Created in November 2000 under the name of CEP-CMAF – the European Standing Conference of Cooperatives, Mutuals, Associations and foundations – with the purpose of establishing a permanent dialogue between the social economy and the European Institutions. In 2008, CEP-CMAF changed its name and officially became Social Economy Europe. Since its foundation, Social Economy Europe is the secretariat of the European Parliaments Social Economy Intergroup.


Finansol represents all the players in solidarity finance. It is a non-profit association under the 1901 law. Its corporate purpose is to promote and develop solidarity in finance and savings. The association brings together all the actors of solidarity finance in France in an original from gathering: operators whose main purpose is to promote and collect, from individuals or institutional investors, savings in order to invest, according to solidarity principles, in activities of high social and / or environmental utility; managers or distributors of investments or deposits offering a solidarity mechanism within the Finansol label; legal persons carrying out an activity of social and / or environmental utility, beneficiaries of solidarity savings to finance their activities; natural and legal persons supporting the goals of the association through their action. Its mission is to: Promote and enhance the principle of solidarity in savings and finance; Develop the collection of solidarity savings and the use of solidarity investments; Guarantee solidarity savings investments using the Finansol label.


INAISE (the International Association of Investors in the Social Economy) is a global network of socially and environmentally oriented financial institutions. Created in 1989, after the initiative of 7 financial institutions of the social economy, INAISE is a network where social investors from all over the world can join their forces to exchange experience, disseminate information and show that money can actually be used to achieve positive social and environmental change.