European Elections, a young perspective

This policy brief examines this tension, exploring its ramifications for the EU’s legitimacy and the urgent need for better representation and engagement of young people in shaping their futures.


Policy Brief


Social Economy, Youth, EU Elections 2023

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As the European Parliamentary Elections of 2024 draw near, Europe finds itself at a significant juncture. Amidst global uncertainties like geopolitical tensions, environmental crises, and social inequalities, these elections are considered crucial.

At the heart of the matter lies a fundamental discrepancy: while young Europeans express progressive concerns regarding issues like climate action and social justice, the anticipated direction of EU politics appears to diverge. This policy brief examines this tension, exploring its ramifications for the EU’s legitimacy and the urgent need for better representation and engagement of young people in shaping their futures. In essence, it prompts a pivotal question: Can the EU bridge the gap between the aspirations of its youth and the realities of its political landscape?

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