In this document FEBEA highlights the gaps in the current proposition of sustainable finance as framed by the EU, proposing to integrate some of the practices and approaches linked to Ethical Finance.
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The EU sustainable finance agenda is a very welcome step towards the recognition of non economic consequences of financial activities. However, the current framework could be improved to promote a much broader concept of sustainability.
With this document, we want to highlight the gaps in the current proposition of sustainable finance as framed by the EU, proposing to integrate some of the practices and approaches linked to Ethical Finance, as understood by dozens of financial institutions active in Europe for at least the last two decades.
The 7th edition of this report is collaboration between Fondazione Finanza Etica, Fundación Finanzas Éticas and FEBEA.
The paper examines the digitalization of loan delivery, focusing on efficiency, accessibility, and ethical challenges in transforming traditional lending.
Analysis of Mario Draghi’s report, The Future of European Competitiveness.
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