Not my Taxonomy

Calling on the EU Parliament to vote for a truly sustainable taxonomy




European Commission, Sustainable Taxonomy

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The EU Commission has proposed to classify certain gas and nuclear energy-related economic activities as “environmentally sustainable” investments in the EU taxonomy. This could divert billions of euros from renewables and other green technologies towards polluting fossil fuels and costly nuclear power, making it more difficult to achieve EU environmental goals.

FEBEA’s Position

That’s why FEBEA, in partnership with other EU and international Networks Social Economy Europe European Microfinance Network Microfinance CentreGlobal Alliance for Banking on Values Finance Watch, has asked the Members of the European Parliament to vote in favor of the motion to prevent gas and nuclear power-related activities being recognised as environmentally sustainable.

A decisive vote for sustainable finance, for the citizens of the European Union and critical to address the climate crisis we are all experiencing.

As well said by our member Banca Etica, this is not our Taxonomy.

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