7th Report of Ethical and Value-based finance in Europe
The 7th edition of this report is collaboration between Fondazione Finanza Etica, Fundación Finanzas Éticas and FEBEA.
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Social Finance
This research paper was developed as part of a workshop that took place on April 28, 2023 on ‘New Developments on Social Finance’ organized by the European Center for Social Fiance and FEBEA with the support of the European Comission. FEBEA members participated in the discussion and shared their views on the topic.
Preliminary Analysis on InvestEU
Note for the EU cabinet – DG EMPL. Co-authored by FEBEA and the Microfinance Center (MFC).
Mediterranean Sustainable Finance Observatory
FEBEA and its members have contributed to the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESAs) call for evidence on potential greenwashing practices in the EU financial sector.
Not my Taxonomy
Calling on the EU Parliament to vote for a truly sustainable taxonomy
Climate Finance for Ethical Banking
Recognizing the central role of banks and financial intermediaries in managing capital flow, this introductory text explores the dual aspects of climate finance.
FEBEA’s position on the EU Sustainable Finance Strategy
In this document FEBEA highlights the gaps in the current proposition of sustainable finance as framed by the EU, proposing to integrate some of the practices and approaches linked to Ethical Finance.
Athens Declaration
With this Charter, FEBEA and its members acknowledge the urgent threat of climate change and commit to using Ethical Finance as a tool to mitigate, and where possible, reverse its harmful effects.
FEBEA calls for increased collaboration with the European Commission and the EIF
FEBEA calls for increased collaboration with the European Commission and the European Investment Fund (EIF) on the EaSI financial instruments for Social Economy and Microfinance.