27-29.09.2021 – FEBEA meeting in Bilbao

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From September 27 to 29, the Board of Directors of FEBEA met in Bilbao. This first face-to-face meeting after two years, due to the pandemic, has been an opportunity to exchange information on current issues of the European Union (social taxonomy, European Action Plan for the Social economy, etc) and learn about the field work of both Fiare Banca Etica, member of the Federation, and other local actors with an interest in ethical finance, such as Seed Capital Bizkaia. The meeting was also the occasion to confirm the celebration of the 2022 Assembly of the Federation in the city of Barcelona.

During these days, the participants have visited two companies of the social and solidarity economy:  Grupo Empresarial Urbegi, a company that received funding from Fiare Banca Etica and whose business activities generate inclusive employment for disabled people and people with insertion difficulties; and  Egoin Wood Group ,  a family business linked to the wood and construction industry with a strong environmental commitment that has received investment from Seed Capital Bizkaia.










FEBEA has celebrated its 20th Anniversary this year, and is currently a benchmark in the development of ethical and social finance in Europe. Through the activities of its members and its own initiatives, FEBEA upholds a committed, rigorous and ambitious vision of social and ethical finance.

Read the complete article on Valor Social (ES)