Training on Climate Finance for ethical banking (UPDATED PROGRAM)

  • Post category:NEWS / EVENTS

Date: Monday, 6th November 13:00 to 16:30 (time in CEST)

Modality: online

The domain of climate finance goes by several descriptions, such as Green New Deal, Just Transition, Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy, and Green Finance. Despite the different labels, they all converge on the primary objective of minimising greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change and enabling society to adapt to changes.


The objective of this training is to offer an overview of how Ethical Finance tackles the wide range of challenges arising from climate change. It is a complex analysis, which deals with hot-spot crises, as well as long term trends. The tools at the disposal of Social and Ethical Finance encompass financial instruments and measures that cater to the customers, alongside emergency measures in extreme cases.

Delivery and Enrollment 

The training will be conducted online, allowing participants from anywhere to join. Enrollment is open, and interested individuals can register via a Google form, which also facilitates invoicing data collection. The training is free for members of the Federation of European Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA), while non-members will be charged a fee of €100.00 + VAT.


The training will feature esteemed speakers with expertise in social finance, climate finance, policy at European level, and impact investments. Among the speakers are:

Panagiotis TournavitisCooperative Bank of Karditsa

In 2015 he was promoted to General Executive Director of the CBK. His main responsibilities are the human resources management, the investment strategy, the strategic planning of the bank, the design of new products and the quality management of the CBK. Mr Tournavitis is member and chief of the project team, formed by the CBK to implement national and international projects.

Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl – European Center for Social Finance

Mr. Spiess-Knafl works at the European Center for Social Finance, which delivers Technical Assistance services on behalf of FEBEA. He has an engineering background and started his career in investment banking. Wolfgang has been active in the field of social finance since 2009. His current main interests are emerging new technologies and their intersection with social and environmental objectives.

Andrea BaranesBanca Etica

He was a member of the board of Banca Etica from 2016 to 2022 and in 2019 became vice-president. From 2006 to present he’s been working as a researcher and a campaigner on ethical and sustainable finance at the Fondazione Finanza Etica (Ethical Finance Foundation) in Italy. He has been the President of the Foundation from 2011 to 2019. He has been a member of the board of some of the most important European networks working on financial issues and campaigns for a more sustainable finance, like BankTrack (2006 to 2012) and Finance Watch (2017 to 2019).

Jannike ØstervoldCultura Bank

Jannike has worked in Cultura Bank since 1998 and as CEO since March 2022, after 7 years as deputy CEO. She is an economist from University of Oslo, with additional courses in informatics. After almost becoming a music-teacher, she decided to study economics instead.
Fun fact: Jannikes first fulltime job at the age 21 was as manager of a small bank in Longyearbyen at Spitzbergen. After 4 years there she decided never more to work in a bank. But then, after some years, she discovered Cultura Bank and changed her mind.

Agenda (Time in CEST)

13:00-13:15 – Introduction of the webinar and agenda

13:15-14:15 – Case Study by Panagiotis Tournavitis: How banks can react in the case of climate disaster

14:15-14:30 – Break

14:30-15:00 – Activities of Cultura Bank by Jannike Østervold. Outline of activities related to climate change

15:00-16:00 – Policy aspects by Andrea Baranes: Discussion of the policy developments in the area of climate finance 

16:00-16:15 – Joint Discussion and Wrap-Up by Wolfgang Spiess-Knalf

16:15-16:30 – Wrap-up Gian-Luca Gasparini

*Check FEBEA’s cancellation policy here.