3D Rendering crowd of people that form the symbol of solidarity in the world

The war in Ukraine has unchained an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that is now reaching neighbouring countries and will gradually extend throughout Europe.

Responding to this situation, social economy and ethical finance organisations are mobilising at different levels to provide support to refugees and people in need.

FEBEA members in neighbouring countries are being particularly proactive in this situation, supporting and working with local NGOs and organisations.

Heres some information on their actions and how you can contribute (page in continuos update):

The Banca Etica Group immediately reiterated that ethical finance is against wars and for this reason it does not finance the arms business, nor the polluting energy sources that underlie and fuel many conflicts. We also invited to support our member and client organizations working on the ground in Ukraine, in neighboring countries and in welcoming refugees.

Banca Etica positioning is available here: https: //www.bancaetica.it/finanza-etica-per-la-pace-in-tempi-di-guerra/

  • Colonya Caixa Pollença, Spain:The bank is supporting local non profit organizations of the Balearic Islands who are already specialized in humanitarian help and international cooperation.
    – Associació Un Somriure per Txernobil (Facebook)
    – Associació per Ells (Facebook)
    – ONG Apotecaris Solidaris (In progress)

    Moreover, Associació Un Somriure per Txernobil and Associació Per Ells did helped children along the years in Ukrainia affected by the Chernobyl Catastrophe.

    We have supported those organisations in the past and will continue to do so through our grant scheme in Estalvi Ètic (The first ethic banking experience in Spain created in 1999 L’Estalvi Ètic | Colonya Caixa Pollença (estalvietic.com)
    This year we will focus on increasing our help, by lauching an appeal to raise funds through the current accounts in Colonya Caixa Pollença provided to the population to encourage donations.
    We have also posted in our Intranet this information to make sure all the employees in our Headquarters and also in the 22 offices alongside the Balearics are acquainted.
    On the other hand, our Ethics Comitee will meet to check on the current donation scheme for 2022 and increase our grants to those specific organisations by releasing funds from our Emergency Fund.
    We have also provided funds to print posters for refugee´s campaign carried out by Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat to bring awareness on the refugees situation and raise funds (Printing was carried out by another local non profit organization who helps people with intellectual disabilities, Amadip Esment, through their internal business printing unit Esment, una unión con propósito. | Esment))

    Our aim is to make sure that all the initiatives and efforts where we take part are carried out by reliable local non profit organisations who helped Ukrainian in the past. Those organisations have the knowledge and seek to meet the needs in the most effective way towards refugees and also by raising funds for medical supplies to Ukrainians in need.


Also our partner network Social Economy Europe is supporting several solidarity initiatives: https://www.socialeconomy.eu.org/2022/02/28/a-call-for-peace-a-condemnation-of-violence-an-expression-of-solidarity-with-the-ukrainian-people/