As the European Parliament (EP) elections loom on the horizon in 2024, FEBEA has dedicated substantial efforts to internal deliberations throughout the year.
In close collaboration with its members, FEBEA has worked tirelessly to shape a renewed set of priorities for the European Union (EU) against the backdrop of an ever-evolving geopolitical and economic landscape. The challenges faced by the EU are multifaceted, stemming from global shifts and compounded by pressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity crises, and escalating social inequalities. FEBEA emphasizes the pivotal role of a comprehensive financial system that serves the holistic needs of society, transcending the exclusive benefit of a privileged minority. In anticipation of the critical decisions ahead, we are excited to launch a series of contributions that delve into our insights and experiences, shedding light on both ongoing and emerging priorities for the post-election period.
To inaugurate this series, we are pleased to present the perspectives and recommendations of FEBEA’s President, Pedro Manuel Sasia Santos, and board member, Andrea Baranes. Their valuable contributions provide a profound understanding of the aspirations of ethical finance as we approach the upcoming elections, and you can explore their comprehensive insights in the latest report on Ethical and Value-Based Finance in Europe.