Human Ressources Policy

In hiring staff, FEBEA intends to attract the best people possible – people who can relate effectively to their job, other staff, and all of FEBEA stakeholders and values – via an inclusive approach.

The benefits of an inclusive approach include:

  • Expanding the pool of talent thereby enhancing creative diversity and innovation;
  •  Training new generations from a range of backgrounds in order to address succession
  • challenges;
  • Broadening the perspective and skills of the organisations and its leaders as they adapt to
  • change;
  • Developing individuals’ skills such as cultural self-awareness and cross-cultural
  • communication;
  • Extending opportunities for partnerships, markets and audiences;
  • Expanding outreach and enhancing community engagement.

FEBEA is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to inclusive, barrier-free recruitment and selection processes.

Recruitment processes reflect the following criteria:

  • Recruitment processes will be advertised first within the network of FEBEA’s members and close partners of the social economy sector. At a second stage, recruitment processes will be made public using the commutation channels available to the organisation.
  • Job descriptions which reflect the current reality of the position and may include expected outcomes, as well as details on the impact of the position on the goals of FEBEA.
  • Qualifications which reflect the requirements of the position.

The recruitment process will ensure applicants’ privacy and protection of personal information.

The Secretary General has approval for hiring of staff.

Checks for references given by short-listed candidates for any position will be made, and will focus on the candidates’ ability to perform the duties of the position.

Confirmation of the following will be made:

  • Relevant previous positions held (dates and employer).
  • Certifications and/or education qualifications deemed essential for the position.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the hiring of the Secretary General.

FEBEA is committed to treating all peoples with respect, dignity and fairness and will take steps to welcome individuals, organizations and communities of all backgrounds.

An inclusive approach will be thoroughly integrated into the ongoing activities, operations and relationships of the organization. FEBEA will make every effort to identify and remove barriers to inclusion.

Particular attention, also in light of the Covid-19 outbreak started in 2020, will be given to flexibility with regard to teleworking, according to the available solutions and the needs of the Federation and of the employees.

All decisions regarding recruitment, hiring, promotion, compensation, payment of wages or benefits, employee development decisions such as training, and all other terms and conditions of employment, will be made without regard to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, physical and mental disability, age, ancestry or place of origin.

In case of conflicts arising within the professional structure, should they be not be resolved by the Secretary General (or in case of conflict of interest), the Board will be engaged, with the possibility of creating an ah-hoc committee.


Board of Directors: to approve and review the human ressource policy; management of conflicts arising within the Team (also via the possible set-up of a dedicated committee).

FEBEA Management:

To oversee day to day implementation of the human ressource policy.

All Employees:

To treat all other employees, partners, and stakeholders with dignity and respect and in a fair and non-discriminatory manner in all employment and customer service related dealings; to understand and embrace the principles of the FEBEA Charter.