Training on Climate Finance (in-person) SIFTA

  • Post category:NEWS / EVENTS

Date: Monday, 13th November


Markhofgasse 19,
1030 Vienna

The upcoming Social Inclusive Finance Technical Assistance (SIFTA) workshop “Climate Finance Workshop: Implications for Ethical Banks and Social Finance Intermediaries” is scheduled for November 13th, 2023. 

This event forms part of a broader series coordinated by FEBEA where we delve into various aspects of climate finance.

Despite the different labels used for climate finance, they typically converge on the primary objective of minimizing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change and enabling individuals and society as a whole to adapt to changes.

This workshop will feature 4 exciting and experienced speakers. The workshop will be moderated by Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl from the European Center for Social Finance and Gian-Luca Gasparini from FEBEA with inputs throughout the sessions.

The Speakers

Stefanie SchockErste Asset Management

She is part of the responsible investment team at Erste Asset Management since 2016 and is implementing ESG research in general, with a special focus on impact funds like ERSTE WWF STOCK ENVIRONMENT and ERSTE GREEN INVEST. Topics of the funds are key technologies for the energy transition, such as renewable energies, storage technologies or e-mobility. Other core competences are engagement & voting with emphasis on Erste AM’s sustainable voting policy. Before joining the company, Stefanie graduated as environmental economist and worked for the World Wide Fund for Nature in the area of sustainable finance.

Paul Chatterton –  is the Lead and founder of the Landscape Finance Lab, a global platform for incubating and financing sustainable landscapes that spun out of the conservation organisation WWF in 2021. He is a specialist in the field of sustainability, climate change land use and green finance. Through the Lab, he supports a global community innovating on landscape solutions. He is or has been an advisor to the Climate Bonds Initiative, Gold Standard, World Economic Forum, EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and Forest Stewardship Council among others.

Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl works at the European Center for Social Finance, which delivers Technical Assistance services on behalf of FEBEA. He has an engineering background and started his career in investment banking. Wolfgang has been active in the field of social finance since 2009. His current main interests are emerging new technologies and their intersection with social and environmental objectives.

Sheryl Loh has over 13 years of experience in financial sector development, focusing on sustainable and climate finance, MSME lending, foreign direct investment, and SME development. She has collaborated with international financial institutions such as EIB, EBRD, Green Climate Fund, and GIZ to help banks and microfinance institutions expand their green and sustainable finance portfolios, implement ESG strategies, and offer capacity-building programs. Currently, she leads the GIZ Sino-German dialogue cooperation on transition finance, developing financial instruments for challenging sectors.

Gerhard SirucekUNIQA

He has been active in the industrial insurance sector since 1991 starting his career as an Underwriter with experience in reinsurance and key account management until 2006. From 2006 onwards, he specialized as a Risk Engineer focusing on property damage, business interruption, and natural hazard evaluations. Since 2013, he has been responsible for group-wide Risk Engineering at UNIQA. Gerhard Sirucek currently serves as the Manager of Risk Engineering & Survey at UNIQA Corporate Business, within the Group Governance & Referrals department.

Fritz Fessler is co-founder and managing director of the Cooperative for Common Goods, a financial NGO with more than 4.000 members based in Vienna with the goal to redirect more money towards sustainable and social projects in Germany and Austria. He is member of FEBEA Steering Committee, was nominee for Austrian Sustainable Entrepreneurs 2022 and has a seat in several supervisory boards.

*Check FEBEA’s cancellation policy here.