Training on Impact Management

  • Post category:NEWS / EVENTS

Date: Monday, 25th September and wednesday 27th September 2023. 

*in the context of FEBEA’s Annual Conference and General Assembly

Impact measurement and management is paramount for ethical finance providers to ensure that they are indeed delivering on their claim to generate a positive social and/or environmental impact with their activities. The field of Impact measurement and management has come a long way in the last ten years and risks and impacts are easy to identify but still difficult to articulate and to quantify. In addition, the complexity of the world in general and of the Sustainable Development Goals in particular, make it hard to put return, risk and impact into one financing formula.


The objective of this training is to better understand the challenges for implementing Impact measurement and management within ethical finance operations, receive insights into current developments from a European as well as a methodological perspective and develop a joint “ethical perspective” on impact within the sector.

The training will be conducted in presence only, allowing participants from anywhere to join. Enrollment is open, and interested individuals can register by contacting FEBEA staff which will also facilitate invoicing data collection. The training is free for members of the Federation of European Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA), while non-members will be charged a fee of €100.00 + VAT.

Download the program to check the agenda. 

*Check FEBEA’s cancellation policy here.